Saturday, October 18, 2014

Class day # 6

Hello everyone!
Congratulations to the students that had their presentations today!
Good Job!

Today in class we reviewed all the topics given on line for class # 5.
I posted more exercises for the possessive adjectives topic at the end of the page.

Then we talk about have and has:
You can practice with the following exercises:

Finally we had a quiz!

Remember: For the next class we have the Mid-term Exam.

The  topics to review are: 

  •   Teacher language
  •   Student Language
  •   Greetings
  •   Introducing Yourself and others
  •   Making conversation WS
  •   Personal Pronouns
  •   Numbers 1-100
  •   Colors
  •   Verb to-be Positive/Negative/Questions
  •   Personal Information Questions
  •   Countries and Nationalities
  •   Jobs and Occupations
  •   A/AN determiners
  •   Family Members
  •   Possessive Adjectives
  •   Days, Months and  Seasons
  •   Ordinal numbers
  •   Have/Has

No te olvides traer tu portafolio con  los 4  paquetes de copias que hemos trabajado. Este es 10% de la nota del examen.

Recuerda que este proyecto tiene un valor del 20% de la nota del examen.
Debes subir tu parrafo antes de las 11:59 pm del miercoles 22 de octubre, en el link que dice Project # 1.

See you next saturday!